Essay Writing


Here is just ONE example of an essay map that you can use to better format your Maniac Magee essay.

I found this by Googling "essay" map under Images.

There were two essays. You chose one:

How are Grayson and Maniac similar? Think about their pasts and their personal dramas. Use examples from the text (story).
What are some things Grayson learned from Maniac before he died?
Was what Grayson learned valuable?
Why/why not? Use examples from the text (story).

Your Project


Your Maniac Magee project is going to be due June 7th! Do NOT bring it in late, it will cost you points.

Here's a few points for where you should be on your projects by now. If you haven't gotten this far, exchange emails/messages with your partner and get cracking.


- have a list of family types written down, with a few lines of information about each type
- have images to support your research
- have an idea as to how most people define a "normal" family
- know at least one examples from Maniac Magee in answer to "What does Maniac Magee teach us about home and family?"


Hello everyone!

Starting next week we will be beginning a brand new novel. The book is titled Maniac Magee and is a truly wonderful story about a legendary boy who has all sorts of touching adventures. In order to really enjoy this novel and my class, you may need to pick up a few supplies over the weekend and beginning of next week.

            There will be a lot of vocabulary for this new novel. I will be giving separate vocabulary quizzes. I would suggest purchasing index cards (you'll need at least 100) so you can make flashcards when I tell you to.

You may already have one of these. If so, make sure there is no other class's information within, because I will periodically be collecting them. If you do not have a writer's notebook, you will need one. I suggest a marble notebook. I will be giving almost daily writing assignments so this book will be in school everyday.

I do not have enough to share with all classes. You need to bring your own to class every single day. We will be using them OFTEN.

Some students may prefer to highlight, underline, or make notes right on the book itself. You can purchase your own copy of Maniac Magee IF YOU WANT. Check out this link here. Otherwise you will be using a BORROWED COPY in class.